Payment Reminder

Ultimate Membership Pro AddOn

Never miss an unpaid invoice again thanks to scheduled payment reminder emails

The Payment Reminder Extension allows admins to send custom emails to Ultimate Membership Pro users as payment reminders.
If users have pending orders they can receive automatic notifications to complete the transactions.

Administrators can create custom reminders for unpaid invoices that will be received via email. The extension benefits from a couple of shortcodes that will help to create clear and explicit notifications.

The extension allows you to either send a one-time reminder or repeated ones until the user had completed the payment.
Efficiently manage your requests and make sure no order stays unpaid for too long.

What Are The Benefits Of Using Payment Reminder?

  • Send notifications to Ultimate Membership Pro users as payment reminders.
  • Schedule reminders based on the number of days since the order was created, and decide how many times they will be sent.
  • Create your own template reminder.
  • Make your own template reminder.
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  • A good plugin

    Great work and clean code!!!

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    Useful. I can automate unpaid orders now, thanks to this plugin!

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