UMP Extension Kit

Ultimate Membership Pro AddOn

Enrich your website’s capability by creating extra features in Ultimate Membership Pro

The Extension Kit AddOn enables admins to create their own functionality in Ultimate Membership Pro.

Perhaps one of the best free tools for a membership-based system, Extension Kit offers a layout to create custom features. Developers can use minimum PHP and WordPress knowledge to design the custom solutions needed for their website.

Why look for solutions and tools that address only half of the issue when you can easily build it yourself from scratch.

How It Works?

After the extension has been installed, it can be found in the ‘Extensions’ section. Follow the readme.txt for setup and customization.
The complete list of UMP hooks can be found in the dashboard by accessing the link [website-url]/wp-admin/admin.php?page=ihc_manage&tab=hooks

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  • The ability to develop solutions based on specific needs.
  • Gaining access to a comprehensive set of filters and actions. 


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