Reset Invoice ID

Ultimate Membership Pro AddOn

Reset the ID value of Membership Pro invoices

If there’s one Ultimate Membership Pro addon that will genuinely lessen your admin work, this is it. Reset Invoice ID does exactly what the name says – it resets your incremented invoice ID to 1, starting to count from scratch.

The plugin works for Ultimate Membership Pro invoices, resetting them in the payment system to ID 1. If you don’t want to start over from scratch, you can choose a specific value from which to start the count after the ID has been reset.
Deleting invoices from the Ultimate Membership Pro system makes them uncountable for the next entries.

In order to maintain the correct increment for the invoices’ IDs, reset them using this AddOn and start counting from the value that’s fit for your situation (either simply 1 or a custom value). It’s best to do this right before the website goes live, during the testing period of the system.

For installation, add the plugin to your WordPress Dashboard, activate it, and access the module in the Extensions tab. You can either click Reset for going back to ID 1 or click Reset Custom for starting the count from a specific value.

Note that if you have invoices stored into UMP, the plugin won’t reset to 1 or the specified value. Instead, it will attribute the next available value, so if the last registered invoice was 4, the system will assign 5. You can remove all existent invoices with the Remove Dummy Data AddOn first.


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