Invite Your Friends


1. Download the plugin (.zip file).
2. In WordPress Dashboard go to Plugins > Add New.
3. Upload Plugin by pressing the upload button.
4. Activate the plugin.
5. In Ultimate Membership Pro plugin dashboard go to navigation menu and find EXTENSIONS tab. Upon clicking the menu’s item, a box with Invite Your Friends module will be available.


1. Invite Your Friends module can be enable or disable by pressing “Activate/Hold” switcher button from the module panel.

2. In Ultimate Membership Pro navigation menu click on SHOWCASES and enter on “Account Page”.

3. In Account Page in “Content Section” a new tab named “Invite Your Friends” will be available in Menu Tabs.
Activate the tab and return in Ultimate Membership Pro dashboard menu, click on EXTENSIONS > Invite Your Friends module.

4. In Invite Your Friends module you may decide how many invitations can be send by setting a value in the “Limit Invitations Per User” field.

5. In “Invitation Notification Template” you can add your custom invitation message.

Categories: Documentation
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