Alex Shop

Granted Subscription

May 29, 2020| Alex Shop|

Installation 1. Download the plugin (.zip file). 2. In WordPress Dashboard go to Plugins > Add New. 3. Upload Plugin by pressing the upload button. 4. Activate the plugin. 5. In Ultimate Membership Pro plugin dashboard go to navigation menu and find EXTENSIONS tab. Upon clicking the menu’s item, a box with Granted Subscription module will be available. Setup 1. Granted Subscription module can be enable or disable by pressing “Activate/Hold” switcher button from the module panel. 2. In ‘Target Subscription’ section you may select a level in order to grant the access for all restricted content.

MailPoet Integration

May 29, 2020| Alex Shop|

Installation 1. Download the plugin (.zip file). 2. In WordPress Dashboard go to Plugins > Add New. 3. Upload Plugin by pressing the upload button. 4. Activate the plugin. 5. In Ultimate Membership Pro plugin dashboard go to navigation menu and find EXTENSIONS tab. Upon clicking the menu’s item, a box with MailPoet Integration module will be available. Setup 1. MailPoet Integration module can be enable or disable by pressing “Activate/Hold” switcher button from the module panel. 2. In ‘Default List’ section you may select a list where your users emails will be colected. 3. For each level in Ultimate Membership Pro select a list in order to save users email adresses.

Blacklist Disposable Emails

May 13, 2020| Alex Shop|

Installation 1. Download the plugin (.zip file). 2. In WordPress Dashboard go to Plugins > Add New. 3. Upload Plugin by pressing the upload button. 4. Activate the plugin. 5. In Ultimate Membership Pro plugin dashboard go to navigation menu and find EXTENSIONS tab. Upon clicking the menu’s item, a box with Blacklist Disposable Emails module will be available. Setup 1. Blacklist Disposable Emails module can be enable or disable by pressing “Activate/Hold” switcher button from the module panel. 2. In “Restricted Domains” save email domains addresses in order to be seen as spam domains. 3. In “Phishing e-mail domains” a list with known email domains that can be categorized as spam domains is displayed. By selecting one or more domains from the list, you may block register process for visitors who have the same domain in the email address.

Restrict My Account Tabs

May 13, 2020| Alex Shop|

Installation 1. Download the plugin (.zip file). 2. In WordPress Dashboard go to Plugins > Add New. 3. Upload Plugin by pressing the upload button. 4. Activate the plugin. 5. In Ultimate Membership Pro plugin dashboard go to navigation menu and find EXTENSIONS tab. Upon clicking the menu’s item, a box with Restrict My Account Tabs module will be available. Setup 1. Restrict My Account Tabs module can be enable or disable by pressing “Activate/Hold” switcher button from the module panel. 2. Based on membership subscriptions, you may set wich tabs from Ultimate Membership Pro My Account page will be restricted. For every tab, there are two types of restrictions that can be set. By selecting the Block My Account Tab Only option, admin will block access to that tab in the User My Account page based on level subscriptions. Option Show My Account Tab Only will allow access to…    read more 

Hidden HTML Elements

May 13, 2020| Alex Shop|

Installation 1. Download the plugin (.zip file). 2. In WordPress Dashboard go to Plugins > Add New. 3. Upload Plugin by pressing the upload button. 4. Activate the plugin. 5. In Ultimate Membership Pro plugin dashboard go to navigation menu and find EXTENSIONS tab. Upon clicking the menu’s item, a box with Hidden HTML Elements module will be available. Setup 1. Hidden HTML Elements module can be enable or disable by pressing “Activate/Hold” switcher button from the module panel. 2. In “Add new Restriction” section you my add a new restriction based on HTML element selector. Set the name of the CSS class or ID in order to restrict content you wish in HTML selector. In HTML selector type you have to specify if selector is a class or ID. 3. In Restriction process you may choose what type of restriction will be applied. “Block Only” will hide elements with…    read more 

Elementor Widget Lock

May 12, 2020| Alex Shop|

Installation 1. Download the plugin (.zip file). 2. In WordPress Dashboard go to Plugins > Add New. 3. Upload Plugin by pressing the upload button. 4. Activate the plugin. 5. In Ultimate Membership Pro plugin dashboard go to navigation menu and find EXTENSIONS tab. Upon clicking the menu’s item, a box with Elementor Widget Lock module will be available. Setup 1. Elementor Widget Lock module can be enable or disable by pressing “Activate/Hold” switcher button from the module panel. 2. Edit a post or page with Elementor. 3. After the page has been created and filled with content, in Advanced settings a new control with ‘Ultimate Membership Pro Lock’ will be accessible. 4. Switch ‘YES’ Enable Lock option. 5. Beneath the Enable Lock option you may choose from the two fields what type of restriction will apply for the current widget. 6. You could ‘Show’ the content of the widget…    read more 

Restrict WP Menu

February 17, 2020| Alex Shop|

Installation 1. Download the plugin (.zip file). 2. In WordPress Dashboard go to Plugins > Add New. 3. Upload Plugin by pressing the upload button. 4. Activate the plugin. 5. In Ultimate Membership Pro plugin dashboard go to navigation menu and find EXTENSIONS tab. Upon clicking the menu’s item, a box with Restrict WP Menu module will be available. Setup 1. Restrict WP Menu module can be enable or disable by pressing “Activate/Hold” switcher button from the module panel. 2. You may set some different menus based on unregistered users, registered users and levels of the members. 3. In “Unregistered Users” section it can be set a type of menu depends on menu locations provided by WordPress. 4. In “Registered Users” area, you could establish different types of menus. 5. Under “Registered Users” a list with all levels will be available. For every level you may decide what type of…    read more 

Affiliate Own Referrals

February 17, 2020| Alex Shop|

Installation 1. Download the plugin (.zip file). 2. In WordPress Dashboard go to Plugins > Add New. 3. Upload Plugin by pressing the upload button. 4. Activate the plugin. 5. In Ultimate Affiliate Pro plugin dashboard go to navigation menu and find EXTENSIONS tab. Upon clicking the menu’s item, a box with Affiliate Own Referrals module will be available. Setup 1. Affiliate Own Referrals module can be enable or disable by pressing “Activate/Hold” switcher button from the module panel. 2. When an affiliate make a purchase on the website, he will receive a commission based on his purchases. No refferal link is required in order to receive commission. The affiliate must be logged into Ultimate Affiliate Pro in order to receive the commission based on his own purchase.

Fraud Protection

February 17, 2020| Alex Shop|

Installation 1. Download the plugin (.zip file). 2. In WordPress Dashboard go to Plugins > Add New. 3. Upload Plugin by pressing the upload button. 4. Activate the plugin. 5. In Ultimate Affiliate Pro plugin dashboard go to navigation menu and find EXTENSIONS tab. Upon clicking the menu’s item, a box with Fraud Protection module will be available. Setup 1. Fraud Protection module can be enable or disable by pressing “Activate/Hold” switcher button from the module panel. 2. In ‘Visits’ section you may set how many visits are coming from the same affiliate or from the same IP address in a certain period of time. Based on the value added in “Time Interval” you can set a number of visits in “Maximum Number To Store” field. 3. In ‘Referrals’ area you may specify the maximum number of purchases made by referrals coming from the same affiliate or coming from the…    read more 

Affiliate Invite Your Friends

February 17, 2020| Alex Shop|

Installation 1. Download the plugin (.zip file). 2. In WordPress Dashboard go to Plugins > Add New. 3. Upload Plugin by pressing the upload button. 4. Activate the plugin. 5. In Ultimate Affiliate Pro plugin dashboard go to navigation menu and find EXTENSIONS tab. Upon clicking the menu’s item, a box with Invite Your Friends module will be available. Setup 1. Invite Your Friends module cand be enable or disable by pressing “Activate/Hold” switcher button from the module panel. 2. In Ultimate Affiliate Pro navigation menu click on SHOWCASES and enter on “Account Page”. 3. In Account Page in “Content Section” a new tab named “Invite Your Friends” will be available in Menu Tabs. Activate the tab and return in Ultimate Affiliate Pro dashboard menu, click on EXTENSIONS > Invite Your Friends module. 4. In Invite Your Friends module you may decide how many invitations can be send by setting…    read more 

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